How Often Should I Shop for Auto Insurance?

Most vehicle insurance policies are renewed in six monthly intervals that give policyholders a chance to review their policies and shop around for better and cheaper coverage. Even if you don’t get alternative quotes at each renewal, most experts recommend that you should at least review your coverage and shop around once a year. This point is more valid for young and new policyholders whose rates change substantially at each renewal. Furthermore, people may not need to wait for the next renewal when a significant change in their circumstances affect their premiums a lot and get a few quotes at that point.

After investing time and money, most auto insurance companies chose the six-month intervals for policies. Policyholders should follow car insurance companies’ lead in choosing a six-month policy interval for flexibility. They should proactively review their coverage, obtain and compare quotes before renewing their policies to ensure they get the best terms and premiums.

A large majority of experts, including insurance companies and agents, advise motorists to get multiple vehicle insurance quotes biennially or at least annually to be aware of their options. Considering fast changing personal circumstances and market conditions, it is imperative not to overlook potential cost savings, opportunities to enhance coverage, and the possibility of discovering a more reliable insurer.

Young and New Policyholders with Fast Changing Rates

Buying a car insurance policy when you are a teenager costs twice or even three times more than a mature driver. However, rates start coming down fast especially when you don’t have any accidents or tickets. First time policyholders and adding a teenager on a parents’ policy have similar patterns as well. When your rates have not settled yet, not only should you shop around at each renewal but also you may consider checking alternative quotes after your birthday as well because age is a significant factor, especially in the teenage years.

For example, if you just turned 19 but your policy has another five months to run, waiting for the next renewal may mean that you would lose out on potential vehicle insurance premium savings for simply turning 19. That is why younger drivers and parents with teenage drivers in their policies should be much more proactive at this stage.

Car Insurance Rates after Accidents and Tickets

When you are a middle-aged driver with years of clean driving record and insurance history, your insurer runs out of discounts they can offer and your rates get settled. If you have been proactively comparison-shopping and making sure you don’t get overcharged for auto insurance, you would see that the possible savings will be limited, unless something changes.

The moment you have an at-fault accident or a traffic ticket, you would see your premium can go up substantially. An at-fault accident increases car insurance premium by 42% on average and a speeding ticket by 23%. Then, not only you should shop around to find a more lenient insurer at your next renewal but also start minding the years.

Significantly, most traffic tickets come off driving records after 3 years but you may need to check your state’s rules. Also, many insurers look back 3 years (some 5 years) when they calculate their premiums and may ignore any accident or tickets before this period. That is why, you need to be aware of the date of the accident or ticket and definitely get a few alternative car insurance quotes as soon as this period is over or the ticket comes off your record since this can reduce your premium a lot.

Also, automobile insurance companies tend to give credit to a driver who has kept a clean driving record for a year after having an accident or traffic ticket. So, mind that infamous anniversary and get a few quotes to see if you can save money after a year. If the renewal is close, you may want to wait for the renewal quote and use it as a benchmark.

Vehicle Insurance Premiums after Changes in Details

Specific factors can influence your auto insurance premiums substantially that you may need to bring the above discussed timeframes forward to immediately after the changes. Major life events, such as marriage, divorce, a child coming to driving age, moving to a new address or purchasing a new vehicle, often necessitate reevaluating your insurance needs and seeking new quotes to find the new equilibrium.

For example, your current insurer may not be impressed with your new address or car and hike your premium the moment you inform them of the changes in details. In such cases, you may not need to wait for the renewal to go over your coverage needs and shop around to find the new best value.

The review is essential because you may want to update your coverage after these changes. For example, if you had an older car that was insured for liability only, you may want to add Collision and Comprehensive coverage for your new automobile. Shopping around is the natural extension of this process to make sure you get clued about how these changes affect your premium and switch insurers, if you need, to get the best deal.

Additionally, significant changes in your driving habits, mileage, or commute length can impact your premiums. So, don’t ignore the changes happening in your life since they often impact your car insurance premiums a little or a lot.

Significance of Shopping Around

Motorists should remember that auto insurance companies regularly update their rates that can change the competitiveness of their current insurer, even if there are no changes in their circumstances. Also, people may not realize that their credit score has been improving in the background allowing them to get lower vehicle insurance rates. That is why regularly getting alternative quotes is beneficial to see the full picture at the time.

There are many other benefits of shopping around for car insurance quotes, including helping you identify potential savings. It also keeps you informed about emerging insurance solutions and current market conditions so that you don’t miss out on a better offer.

The Simplicity of Shopping for Auto Insurance

Shopping for vehicle insurance has become increasingly simple and convenient in recent years. Various channels are available to obtain quotes and compare offerings. Online vehicle insurance comparison websites allow you to input your details once and receive multiple quotes from different insurers, enabling quick and easy comparisons. Alternatively, you can directly request quotes from insurance companies through their websites or by contacting their agents. Additionally, independent agents and brokers can provide personalized guidance and assist you in finding suitable coverage based on your specific requirements.

Although renewing your current policy may seem convenient, investing some time in comparison shopping can lead to lower premiums. To begin, collect essential information like your car’s VIN, driving history for yourself and other drivers, and personal details. Next, obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers, ensuring that the coverage levels and deductibles match for accurate comparisons.


It’s recommended to shop for car insurance quotes every six months, which coincides with the standard policy duration, for the best rates. Keep an eye on your policy’s renewal notice as a reminder. Additionally, consider shopping around after significant life events that may affect your rates, like birthdays, improved credit scores, or the removal of violations from your record. This is especially important if your premium is high and decreasing a lot with positive changes.